Friday, January 28, 2011

IMPORTANT Please Existing Members

IMPORTANT Please Existing Members... Not Yet transfered to the New Etsy Team Site, Please CHECK your ETSY CONVOS,
Re; 7th Jan 2011, and click on the LINK within and respond to transfer to the NEW ETSY SITE..Thank You
This is the only way I know to add you to The New Site.
I have posted several convos since the new site appeared to all existing members, in addition subsequently to all the members who have yet to respond, and on this site and chat threads etc. I realise that Christmas has taken up many artists time and personal committments, and situations change. Everyone may not wish to continue as a member, or some members are no longer using their Etsy Shops. So after another period of time has elapsed, to that end if no responses are made, I will eventually remove the shop links etc from this blog to keep this blog current and up to date.
If that comes about, you can of course rejoin again at any time in the future.


  1. The recent convos sent were only sent to the members who have yet to reply, by clicking on the acceptance link in the convo.
    Nothing to worry about, as you must have replied to the original first draught back when the new Etsy site came on line last August/September time
    You are on the new site, Members,see page 9
    Linda :)


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